Monday, November 8, 2010

News Roundup for 11/8/2010

The Justice Department is planning on bringing up charges against BP, Haliburton, and Transocean for the oil spill.

Oil prices are starting to rise.

Now you to can have a chicken powered car or plane.

President Obama is in India trying to drum up trade, has endorsed adding India as a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, and is starting to get in an argument with Germany over trade policy.

Where almost every other state is struggling, business in Utah is booming.

Medicare is trying to determine if they are going to pay for a $93,000 drug that extends the life of a patient with prostrate cancer for four months.

Healthcare premiums are expected to continue rising and the culprit is… rising healthcare costs and a sluggish economy with just a sprinkle (less than 1%) of the Healthcare Bill.

Politifact has released a couple of ratings today:

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