Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why a blog?

The Wonk Monkey has been thinking about writing a blog for a long time, mainly because he wishes to become incredibly wealthy and be included among those who own 83% of all the banana's in the country.

The Wonk Monkey also believes that there are many important discussion taking place in the public that should be looked at closely and a blog is probably a better place to express his viewpoint than Facebook.

So here it is, Wonk Monkey’s Blog.

The Monkey is not sure what content will frequent this page but here are some of his ideas:

1) Recommend articles and opinion pages that he runs across on the web.

2) Once per week post an article expressing a viewpoint or revealing research on an important topic of the day.

3) Articles to cultivate blind followers for his plan to change this great country into a Progressive Monkeytopia where he is the Supreme Leader. (All hail our new monkey overlords!!!)

If the Monkey posts something that you agree\disagree with please feel free to express your viewpoint politely.

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