Thursday, November 4, 2010

Reading Recommendations: 11/4/2010

The Wonk Monkey has been enjoying the beautiful weather outside by swinging on trees and hooting. This is the kind of weather he wishes he had in the summer.

Looking over the web today, here are things that caught his eye: shreds the false claim that President Obama's trip to Mumbai will cost $200,000,000 per day.

Monkey finds it interesting that Oklahoma just Outlawed the 10 Commandments.

The enthusiasm gap and how it played out state-by-state.

Daylight Savings Time has an effect on Television Ratings

Wonk Monkey was surprised when Harry Reid defeated Sharon Angle. This is how he did it.

One of the biggest results of the election (and the reason why the monkey believes partisan tensions will increase dramatically) will be the amount of oversight the White House is about to face.

Polls indicate that the mandate Republicans claim doesn't actually exist.

Fathers suffer from post partum depression

High-Risk Insurance Pools Attract Fewer Than Projected (8,011 of the projected 375,000)

The Monkey saw this coming. The Republican establishment vs. the Tea Party.

What progressives are urging Obama to do... push forward with another aggressive agenda and bypass congress. The Wonk Monkey doesn't believe this will actually happen. Despite opinions to the contrary, Obama is a bit to much of a moderate to take such an aggressive stand in this political climate.

Exit Poll Statistics for all of you data monkeys.

Krugman's take on President Obama's press conference yesterday (in short, his opinion is: "Urk", "Nobody cares about this stuff")

Tea Party Clout: How Will It Affect Congress, 2012?

U.S. Uncovers Major Cross-Border Drug Tunnel

Ozzy Osbourne Is a Mutant (Literally)


The Monkey has noticed a few articles about why the Healthcare Bill cannot be reversed and how it will be difficult to even slow it down.

1. McConnell: Rapid health repeal unlikely

2. NPR: Repealing the Health Care Bill will not be easy

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