Monday, November 15, 2010

Recommended News: 11/15/2010

NPR looks into cranberries and their medicinal effects.

The number of people unemployed for six months or longer are at levels is at levels not seen since the Great Depression.

Over 40 percent of the unemployed — more than 6 million Americans — have been out of work for than six months or longer, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"Once people become unemployed for long periods of time, you start seeing a serious depreciation or reduction in their skill levels — in the human capital that they carry."

Filibusters are holding up many important posts in our government and the situation is reaching critical levels.

One of them is Jim Cole. The White House nominated him almost six months ago to be the Justice Department's deputy attorney general, kind of like the chief operating officer for the entire department.

"The deputy attorney general job is the person who actually runs the Justice Department day to day," said Jeffress, who has written to urge the Senate to confirm Cole, "the person who is the decision-maker on many, many criminal cases, the person who is the decision-maker on many, many personnel issues. And it's extremely important to have somebody who not only has law enforcement experience but who is a good manager."

Shortly after Cole's nomination in May, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions criticized him for his work in private legal practice, monitoring the fallen insurance giant AIG, and for his approach to national security.

"He's written an op-ed, for example, that suggests that he believes the 9/11 attacks were criminal acts, not acts of war," Sessions told NPR at the time.

Nordstrom Rack is opening an online store.

Charlie Rangles ethics hearing has started and a top ethics lawyer testified that there is no evidence of corruption.

"It's hard to answer the question of personal financial benefit," Chisam added. " I think the short answer is probably no. Do I believe that based on the record that Congressman Rangel took steps to benefit himself based on his position in Congress? No. I believe that the congressman, quite frankly, was overzealous in many of the things he did. And sloppy in his personal finances."

Rangle walked out of his ethics hearing, which will speed things up considerable.

With Rangel gone – foregoing the 10 hours he was granted to defend himself - the committee moved very quickly through the case and spent just 80 minutes reviewing the allegations before retiring to decide whether it would approve a "motion for summary judgment."

Blue Dog Democrats are trying to strip away some of Nancy Pelosi’s power.

Politifact has provided a fact sheet on reducing the national debt.
Politifact rates the following statement as False: Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme.
Thinks are looking decidedly bad for Charlie Rangle.

In an ominous sign for Representative Charles B. Rangel, the House ethics committee on Monday said the facts presented by a prosecutor accusing Mr. Rangel of violating Congressional rules were not in dispute and that the congressman himself had not refuted the charges.

Sex Rehab centers are springing up like flowers in spring time.

A perfect example of the unbiased coverage offered by Fox News.

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